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Want to see more facts about the call center industry?
Want to know where you stack up in the Industry?
Here is an introduction to the AnswerOn Profiling Project.
We can help you reach your goals
Reducing Agent Attrition
Agent attrition rates are high across the industry (75-400% annually) while replacement costs remain expensive ($2,500-6,000 per agent). AnswerOn’s proven system can help save you money.
Strengthening manager-agent relationships
Many managers regularly stop and chat with their team members but do they really know what is going on with their agents all the time? Beware of the trap that is
Management by Walking Around.
KPI performance improvement
Check out AnswerOn’s research explaining how proactive interventions improve KPI’s.
Learning why my agents are quitting
The reasons for attrition can be broken down into six categories: Workplace environment, Scheduling, Attendance, Discipline, Advancement, & Onboarding. Learn more.
Hiring the right personnel
Are your new hires leaving within just a few weeks? Do you feel like you are just spinning your wheels, bringing in as many bodies as possible to see what sticks? AnswerOn can analyze your hiring applicants to who will best fit your organization.
Click on the image above to download the PDF about our Money-Back Guranteed Pilot.