Both are a pain in the side. I am a big fan of dad jokes and this one was told to me by a coworker after I had recently experienced the passing of a painful kidney stone. A couple days after my experience, I saw an article in my LinkedIn feed about the Artificial Intelligence vs Human debate that is so popular these days.
Agent Attrition Management: Say Goodbye to Unnecessary Costs
When we talk with business leaders in the call center industry, Agent Attrition Management always seems to be a major pain point. AnswerOn provides a proven science-based approach to curb attrition. It combines with advanced cloud-based tools that are easy to implement and work with your existing infrastructure.
Data Modeling and Data Analytics: What’s the Difference?
Often used interchangeably, data modeling and data analytics evaluate separate components of data. Data modeling requires setting parameters on data to better understand it.On the other hand, data analysis considers the data itself, allowing you to make informed business decisions. Here are some distinguishing qualities between modeling and analytics.
“One-Size fits all” won’t make it right for all
“One-Size fits all” solutions for improving call center moral might make happy agents happier, but could push at-risk agents out the door.
Implementing Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics is a hot topic, but many consulting firms don’t tell their clients what to do with the data to improve their business. AnswerOn does.
AnswerOn is The Cure for “No Call, No show”
One of the most annoying aspects of being a call center operator are the “No Call, No Shows”. An agent that you’ve spent time and money on decides to leave without any prior notice or communication. Not only is it frustrating but it puts a major burden on staff to pick up the “slack”.