Is a favorite saying in many business circles, referring to awakening a naïve concealed danger. McGraw-Hill defines it as a proverb- “Do not instigate trouble; Leave something alone if it might cause trouble.” We have observed a number of call center operators express this idiom when asked to speak to their at-risk employees.
Fly Fishing the Call Center
AnswerOn’s CEO Eric Johnson compares AnswerOn’s solutions to prevent call center agent attrition with five strategies of Fly Fishing.
Approaching Attrition in the Security Industry
CEO Eric Johnson discusses the unique challenges the security industry faces in fighting attrition; including identifying two different types of churn. One of the challenges in attacking attrition in the Security industry is agreeing on a definition for attrition. There are basically two types of Churn commonly mentioned: 1) Gross Attrition and 2) Net Attrition.
Show Me the Money
Managers think call center agents leave because they are unhappy with their income. AnswerOn has found that money doesn’t matter as much as you might think. CEO Eric Johnson outlines the leading causes of agent attrition.