With AnswerOn prescriptive analytics, you’ll know who is going to leave, why they are going to leave and what you can do to save them
Our system uses a customizable model that delivers detailed reports including:
Our system uses a customizable model that delivers detailed reports including:
We understand that leading a call center is challenging, full of high demand, frustrated agents, high churn rate, and complicated, expensive training programs.
Despite those difficulties, we understand that you’re determined to be an effective, respected leader that balances all aspects of your call center operations.
Partnering with AnswerOn gives you much more than just analytics and data. We help your team develop actionable strategies to improve your work environment for at-risk agents, wherever they may be working from.
By empowering your managers and team leaders with actionable reports on at-risk agents, AnswerOn provides an organized system that can help a good manager become a great manager by increasing agent engagement, productivity, and retention.
Experience your own job satisfaction, happier agents, and improved profits starting today.
As a call center manager, you’re expected to facilitate healthy relationships with dozens of people in order to keep them happy and engaged in their work. But, the number of relationships is beyond what anyone can handle without help. That’s where AnswerOn’s retention program helps. We feed your agent data into our algorithms in order to predict what relationships need urgent attention.
Your job doesn’t stop at a mere awareness of which agents are at risk of leaving. You’re expected to engage these agent’s needs and wants in a way that mutually benefits all parties. But, each situation is unique and it’s overwhelming just to keep up. Here’s where AnwersOn’s retention program delivers real immediate value. After we help you identify at-risk agents, we prescribe suggestions on how best to resolve the agent’s frustrations and regain their trust.
Now, many call centers have adopted work-from-home procedures and schedules which has you feeling more burnt out than ever before.
Our Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics has never been more valuable to leaders who want to know what their agents are experiencing and feeling. Our solution isn’t bound to an office. All it requires is the data that you continue to monitor from your hardworking agents.
If no one can efficiently manage in person the endless needs and frustrations agents experience working in a high-volume call center, how will they do it from home? Let us help you get back in control.
Use our savings calculator to see how much you could be saving by partnering with AnswerOn.
Our program has saved our clients millions of dollars and thousands of hours in training by collecting data from their current systems and analyzing it using our agent attrition algorithms.
You receive insight into who is at-risk to leave, why they are frustrated, and actionable strategies for retention.
We save you time, money, and resources with our data science and machine learning technology.
Contact us with the problem your experiencing, and we'll learn more about your systems, processes, and data streams.
You'll be guided by our team as we develop a simple, repeatable process to collect the required data to run our prediction models.
Shortly after data is collected, you'll immediately start taking effective action with a list of priority cases and recommendations.
You control the frequency of at-risk agent updates, allowing you to improve your team at your pace, avoiding burn-out.
(720) 807-2022